I've been amazed and humbled by the support directed my way in the wake of Monday's shootings. Mark Byron, TS O'Rama and the anonymous commenter two posts below each immediately thought of me when they heard the news, even though they've never met me and only know me through my online scribblings at HokiePundit, the blog to which this is a sequel. The folks at Dean's World have been supportive as well, and a number of people I know from working at Kids Across America called, texted, or emailed to see if I was okay and if I needed any prayer. You don't think about how much it means to have people thousands of miles away, sometimes whom you've never met in person, care about you and want to help.
I simply sat in shock for most of Monday, watching the news and doing some online commenting (if anyone was offended, I ask for your forgiveness and patience). Tuesday I still didn't really know what to do, and spent some hours in nearby Roanoke just to be out of Blacksburg for a bit. I'm pretty much just letting things sink in and wash over me. I'm trying not to make any rash decisions, but just to be still and know that God is there, was there, and always will be there. Pray as often as you feel led, but don't feel obligated. We're making it through, and our God is a god of healing and redemption and He will bring some good from this.
You've been in my thoughts and prayers, Robert, along with the victims of the monstrous evil at the school that you represent so well. I owe you a great deal from the time that you were posting at Hokie Pundit and it's good to read you prayerful reflections here now.
The Lord's peace be with you.
Glad you're ok. Didn't click till I saw the Today We're all Hokies images on Wired.
- Peace
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